Kabir said in his inaugural speech that common people who have no knowledge of law or live in poverty should get justice and with this objective legal aid centres are being set up in every district of the country.
Tripura Chief Justice Deepak Gupta said the new high court would fulfill the needs of the people.
Chief Minister Manik Sarkar, who presided over the function, said the day was "historic" for the state as the long-cherished demands of the people have been fulfilled with the inauguration of the High Court.
On the same day Gauhati High Court judge U B Saha took over as judge of Tripura High Court. Two other additional judges of Gauhati High Court S C Das and S Talapatra have taken the oath of office as additional judges of Tripura High Court.
At present, there are four judges in the High Court of Tripura.
Earlier, Tripura had an Agartala bench of Gauhati High Court.