Chowdhury submitted his resignation to Chief Minister Manik Sarkar yesterday which has been sent to Governor Devanand Konwar, Information and Culture Minister Bhanu Lal Saha told reporters today.
He was first elected as an MLA from South Tripura district in 1993 and was a minister holding different portfolios for the last 21 years.
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Besides Industries and Commerce, Chowdhury also had the portfolio of Rural Development, Forest and Information and Technology (IT) at the time of resignation.
"As an MP, I will work for protecting the interests of the toiling masses in the country and always remain active to get the demands of the state conceded," he told reporters.
Naresh Jamatiya, an MLA (CPI-M) from Killa-Bagma constituency, would be inducted as a minister in Chowdhury's place, official sources said.
Chowdhury will leave for New Delhi on May 26.