"Illegal immigration is gonna stop," Trump said last night in Tucson. "It's dangerous," he said. "Terrible."
Both in Phoenix and Tucson, Trump was introduced by former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who pushed tough immigration laws in office, and Joe Arpaio, the Maricopa County sheriff who made his name by chasing down people who are in the country illegally.
The county includes Phoenix and nearly two-thirds of Arizona's population.
Trump was campaigning in Arizona ahead of Tuesday's primary in which the winner will take all 58 delegates at stake.
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They are hoping for a contested convention in which delegates would be free to turn from Trump if he fails to win a majority on the first ballot. Trump has won 678 delegates in contests held thus far, according to a count by The Associated Press. Cruz is in second place with 423 delegates, and Kasich is in third with 143.
Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee and the Mormon faith's most visible member, said he intends to vote for Cruz in the caucuses, but stopped short of endorsing the Texas senator, an uncompromising conservative.
However, Utah's delegates will be distributed proportionally based on the percentage of votes -- unless a candidate gets more than 50 per cent, which would give that person all 40 delegates.