President Donald Trump has dared New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to challenge him in 2020 and warned the Democrat, "Anybody that runs against Trump suffers."
Trump said that Cuomo, who is running for re-election against "Sex and the City" star Cynthia Nixon, called him and told him, "I'll never run for president against you."
"But maybe he wants to," Trump went on, adding: "Oh, please do it. Please. Please. He did say that. Maybe he meant it. The one thing we know and they do say anybody that runs against Trump suffers. That's the way it should be."
"Donald Trump & the NRA - bankrupt bedfellows: literally and morally," he tweeted. "Unlike Trump, I'm not afraid to take on the NRA." His office released a lengthy statement ahead of Trump's arrival accusing Trump of having "forgotten what made this country great."