Chinnamgari Ramana, Deputy Executive Officer of the TTD, which manages the hill shrine, told PTI that the ancient hill temple has never had such "ugly offering" in its history.
"Media reports of the cut finger being dropped in the sacred hundi of the over 2000-year-old richest hill temple in the country by a man hailing from Ramanagaram near Bangalore recently is completely baseless," he said.
Ramana pointed out that several surveillance cameras record the practise of the seven-feet hundi being emptied at least thrice daily for segregation, counting and recording of offerings, including huge cash and gold ornaments by devotees.
Suresh had claimed yesterday in Bengaluru that he had been to Tirupati on December 25 and had chopped off his little finger and dropped it in the hundi as a token of gratitude after the two Congress leaders were granted bail on December 19.
The man stated that he got himself treated in a hospital adjacent to the temple soon after he cut off his finger.