"The gap between mainland India and Arunachal can be bridged if media play an active role in promoting the state in a positive way," the chief minister said after presenting the maiden 'News & Views' and 'Frontier Films' awards instituted by Frontier Films proprietor Taro Chatung, here.
Terming the event as 'a good beginning' to encourage budding journalist and film makers of the state, Tuki disclosed that the state despite having abundant talents, making films and documentaries were commercially not viable due to low population.
"The state government is working out to identify a suitable land for the institute wich will provide ample job opportunities for our youths," he said adding, the state government was also contemplating to create more such infrastructure to attract national and international film makers.
Chief Secretary Ramesh Negi speaking on the occasion suggested the media fraternity to educate the society on the value of freedom and perform their duties for the welfare of the common people.
"Freedom and discipline should be the mantra for the media in the state," he added.