The NERTPS was launched by Union Textiles Minister Dr K S Rao at New Delhi yesterday during a meeting of senior representatives from all the North Eastern states, official sources said here today.
The broad objective of the NERTPS is to develop and modernise the textile sector in the region by providing government support in terms of raw material, seed banks, machinery, common facility centres, skill development, design and marketing support etc.
While emphasising the fact that the new scheme was ideal for the women weavers of the state, Tuki during the meeting yesterday highlighted the fact that the women weavers of the state have been historically producing traditional garments which are rich in style and design.
"Our weavers are expert and capable of producing competitive products for the national as well as the international markets," Tuki said while seeking adequate support from the Central government.
The skill development outlay of the scheme would be aligned with the CM's Skill Development Mission which will benefit a sizable population of youth in the coming years," he pointed out.
Rao assured Tuki that he would provide adequate funds for not only training and employment, but also for the creation of physical infrastructure to cater to the needs of the youth of the state, sources said.