BJP had fielded its candidates from eight seats, half of whom came from Congress background. Notable among them were Rao Inderjit Singh, who contested from Gurgaon, and Dharambir Singh from Bhiwani-Mahendergarh. Both won from the respective seats they were fielded from.
Ramesh Chander, who quit Congress a few months back, contested from Sonepat on the lotus symbol and won. He had been given the BJP ticket ignoring Pradeep Sangwan, a front-runner from the region.
BJP had also fielded R K Saini, a party hopper, from Kurukshetra constituency, from where he won. He was a leader in the now-defunct Haryana Vikas Party, which later merged with Congress.
During the election campaigning, Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda and other Congress leaders had taken potshots at BJP, saying the saffron party did not have candidates to contest the Lok Sabha elections in Haryana and were borrowing from other parties.
Hooda had earlier also taken a dig at BJP, saying it lacked leadership in Haryana.