Police Inspector Dinesh Katke of Bhiwandi city police station told PTI that the accused Naushad Ali Gulam Shah, a resident of Navi Vasti, used to hold tuition classes in the area.
The victim was one of his students.
He wooed the minor boy to an isolated place in the locality on the pretext of giving him a bat to play, according to a police complaint filed by his parents.
The accused then took the boy to a public toilet near Shanti Nagar pipeline where he sexually abused him, at least three to four times prior to March 26, the complaint said.
The accused was arrested in the wee hours today, police said.
The accused has been charged under sections 377, and 506 of the IPC and also sections 3 (a), (c), and 4 and 6 of the POCSO Act of 2012, police added.