Gautami Kapoor of Zee TV show 'Khelti Hai Zindagi Aankh Micholi' fame is excited for the family get together, whereas Deepika Singh of Star Plus show 'Diya Aur Bati Hum' is looking forward to meeting the elders on the auspicious day. Toral Rasputra, Anandi of Colors' 'Balika Vadhu', says she will make sweets for her loved ones.
Gautami said, "I have always looked forward to festivals ever since I was a kid. This is the only time when the entire family gets together and we all exchange gifts. This year I'm hoping for a day off from the shoot of 'Khelti Hai Zindagi Aankh Micholi' so that I can go shopping for diyas and other decorative and decorate my house beautifully.
"Since childhood I have loved celebrating Diwali. From lighting diyas at home to decorating the house with beautiful lights, the 'mithai' being prepared at home especially, adds to the flavor of this beautiful festival. Diwali is the time when ensure that I meet the elders in my family to seek their blessings," Deepika said.
Toral said, "I love making rangoli and decorating the house with diyas and lighting. Also I enjoy preparing for Diwali sweets as I love cooking."
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Apart from the bahus, male leads are equally excited for the festival.
"This is my time of indulgence with my closed ones as it is the only occasion when I get to spend time with my family and close friends," he said.
As Vikrant Massey, who plays Ayaan in 'Qubool Hai', does not stay with his family, he makes sure that he spends the occasion with his friends.
"I love the festival of lights. It's the time of the year when we celebrate with our near and dear ones and this is an occasion which brings all of us closer and spreads cheer around. Staying away from family, I ensure that I celebrate this festival with my friends and co-actors," he added.