The company is set to log domestic two-wheeler sales of 1.85 lakh units per month by the end of 2015-16, a growth of about 8 per cent, its Vice-President, Sales & Service, J S Srinivasan told PTI here.
"Next year (2016-17) we expect the industry to grow by 5 to 6 per cent... That's what is being estimated by various analysts. We should be growing at 10 per cent over the current financial year," he said.
The country's third-largest two-wheeler player today rolled out its all-new TVS Victor in Telangana.
"We believe that TVS Victor is a world-class product as it takes a big step forward in terms of performance with ride and handling so as to deliver complete rider control and comfort," he said.
With this launch, the company expects to increase market share in executive class motorbike segment by 2 per cent.