The two accused, identified as Ravi Singh (25) and Sunil (28) had planned the robbery to such perfection that Ravi threw chili powder in Sunil's eye and shirt, and then the later deliberately rammed the car he was driving into a divider to make things look real.
The incident was reported on April 24, when Sunil Kumar, who worked as a driver with Om Prakash Lekha at Perfection Engineers factory in Mangolpuri told police that he had delivered the goods of the factory in Karol Bagh area and collected the payment.
"The Motorcycle-borne youth then robbed him of his mobile phone, ESI Card, documents and cash Rs 1,80,000," said Additional Commissioner of Police (West) Ranvir Singh.
On his statement a case was registered and investigation was taken up. During the course of investigation and on sustained interrogation, Sunil Kumar, the complainant in the case, broke down and confessed his guilt.
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He was inspired from the film stories and hatched conspiracy with Ravi who is working as a supervisor in the said factory. They also decided not to talk on mobile phones with each other as they knew that police can track them using CDR analysis, police said.
"On the fateful day, as per plan Ravi took leave from factory at 2.30 PM. After some time, Sunil also left the factory with goods in Eeco car. He delivered goods in Karol Bagh and collected cash 2,80,000. Thereafter, he delivered Rs one lakh cash to SB cable and later proceeded for factory with remaining Rs 1,80,000," said Singh.