A police team led by Additional Superintendent of Police Dipankar Mishra arrested Byabang Punung (26) and Ngurang Ajab (25) from here last night, Capital SP Seju P Kuruvilla said in a statement here today.
Both the accused hailed from Sangram in remote Kurung Kumey district.
The team recovered Rs 23,27,500 from their possession, five mobile handsets with six sim cards and a vehicle used for committing the crime, the SP said.
The accused have been produced before the magistrate today who remanded them to police custody for further interrogation.
The other accomplices are absconding and the manhunt was on to nab them and recover the rest of the looted cash, the official said.
Armed miscreants robbed Rs 66 lakhs at gun point while the staff of SBI arrived at the ATM booth located near North East Regional Institute of Science and Technology for replenishment.