The accused were caught during a checking drive of buses coming from Delhi last night under the Haripur Police Station area, Kangra SP S Gandhi said.
"More than 700 capsules of Spasmoproxivon Plus and 16 tablets of Nitrosun were seized from Sanjeev Kumar while one Deepak Rana was found to be carrying of 1.320 gm brown sugar and 1.820 gm of heroin," he said.
The SP claimed that Kumar told police during interrogation that he was a drug addict and had also spent time at a rehab centre.
The SP said, "Rana had confessed that he had bought the drugs from a dealer in east Delhi's Loha Mandi and said he could get contrabands of any kind by just making a call."
"They said that it was easy to get drugs in Delhi," the officer said.
Gandhi said both have been booked for drug peddling and under provisions of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.