School students along with their parents inaugurated the two bridges in Jaganoo block. These bridges, constructed in Phase-I, were launched after a technical test in Sarsoo and Dhandal villages of Jaganoo, 27 km from Udhampur town, an official spokesperson said.
The Sarsoo bridge in Prowa Panchayat will provide connectivity to five villages including Larh, Mani, Dhandal, Prowa and Sarsoo, having a population of 6,670.
"Four panchayats of Prowa Jagir, Dhandal, Lar and Mani will have connectivity through this bridge. Two primary schools, ration depots and anganwadi centres will be benefitted as people will have round-the-year connectivity to the institutions and depots," he said.
"It will provide accessibility to four schools including MS Dhandhal, MS Patli, PS Chaura Talab and PS Moble; one anganwadi centre and one ration depot besides reducing the distance by 500-600 metres," he said.
Rural Development Department constructed these bridges with high-end technology having a weight bearing capacity 500 kg per square meter," the spokesperson added.