This two-day event brings 25 reputed service outfits from Coimbatore, Chennai, Ayakudi, working in diverse areas like tribal welfare, rural development, cow protection, last rites for the abandoned and women's welfare, Dr R V Ramani, Convenor, of Joy of Giving initiative, told reporters today.
These organisations would create awareness about their services, enroll volunteers and raise contributions, Ramani said, adding that the event would provide a wonderful opportunity for the public to interact with and help them by contributing money, time and effort.
As part of celebrations, cookery competition for women, a photography contest 'get snappy,' with the theme 'joy of giving will be held and selected entries would be displayed at the venue, he sad.
There will be elocution competition in English and Tamil for students of classes nine to 12 on joy of giving, even as Sankara Eye Hospital has organized free comprehensive eye screening for the public, Ramani, who is also its chairman, said.