Special Judge B R Kedia sentenced 63-year-old retired Assistant Sub Inspector Mansa Ram to two and half years in jail while his accomplice and former Head Constable Sumer Singh, 63, was awarded a two-year term.
The special judge also imposed a fine of Rs 15,00 and Rs 10,000 respectively upon them.
"Cancer of corruption has spread its tentacles in the social life to such an extent that the belief of common man on the institutional work is obliterated," the court said while sending them behind bars.
The duo were held guilty of demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 1,200 from Constable Navratna, who wanted to be posted with the horse-riding contingent of the Delhi Police, with which the two also were posted then.
As per the complaint lodged by the constable, he was asked by the Ram to pay him Rs 1,500, but agreed to get him posted after a payment of Rs 1,200.
HC Singh was arrested while accepting the money from him on February 21, 2008, the police told the court.
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The court showed leniency to Mansa Ram due to his old age and the fact that his wife is paralytic and having no one to take care of her.
Sumer Singh also had pleaded for leniency saying he is 63 and has a marriageable daughter. PTI AKI RAX