"Two fertiliser plants will be set up in Jhabua and Jabalpur districts respectively at an investment of Rs 11,000 crore and a capacity to produce 26 lakh tonne of urea," the minister said after laying the foundation stone of the Plastic Park at Tamot in Raisen district in the presence of Union External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan.
Referring to the Plastic Park, the Union Minister said that after its completion, plastic manufacturing units worth Rs 775 crore would be established in the park which would also produce four crore gunny bags.
Kumar also directed officials in his ministry to implement what he called the "Madhya Pradesh model" of storing fertilisers in advance, in all states of the country.
In a meeting with Madhya Pradesh state government officials at Mantralaya in Bhopal earlier, the Union Minister informed that the foundation stone for the extention unit of the Central Institute of Plastic Engineering would be laid in Bhopal on July 20.
MP CM Chouhan said that people in the area would find employment at the Plastic Park and it would also fulfill requirement of plastic in agriculture and industries.
He said that irrigation potential of the state has increased from 7.5 lakh hectares to 36 lakh hectares and by 2018 it would be increased to 50 lakh hectares.