Additional Sessions Judge of Visnagar K M Dave awarded the death sentence to Akshay Patel and Kuldip Panchal observing that the nature of crime was "inhuman" as they buried the minor, who was still alive, after his throat was slit with a blade.
The post-mortem report said that the boy was buried alive, the court stated.
The duo murdered Maharsh alias Bholu (5), son of local businessman Pratik Patel, after kidnapping him when he was playing outside his house at Anand Nagar Society in Visnagar on March 17, 2012.
After questioning 15 persons on the basis of suspicion, police had narrowed down on the duo by tracing their call records.
They had made two calls to the father of the victim demanding Rs 50 lakh ransom, then strangulated the boy and slit his throat using a blade. Thereafter, they buried him at a spot under the bridge at Rakao village in Patan.