The incident took place on Thursday when a missing case of a three-year-old girl was reported at Adarsh Nagar Police Station. An FIR under section 363 IPC was registered and a wireless message was flashed to all Police Stations in Delhi and all SPs in India and information regarding missing of the girl was also uploaded on ZIPNET.
"In the evening, we got a call from Old Delhi Railway Station that a 3-year-old girl has been brought from Sonepat. It came to light that one Bhanwar Singh was caught with the kidnapped child in a train going from Old Delhi Railway Station towards Sonepat," said Deputy Commissioner of Police (North-West) N Gnanasambandan.
"The duo escorted the child and Singh to Sonepat Railway Station and handed her over to ASI Manjeet and ASI Rajbir of Railway Police, Sonepat. The railway police personnel made efforts to trace the parents of the child and then handed her over to the staff of Old Delhi Railway Station," he said.
Based on the information uploaded on ZIPNET, the staff of Old Delhi Railway Station contacted Adarsh Nagar Police Station following which the girl was reunited with her parents. Bhanwar Singh has been remanded to 14 days judicial custody on Friday by a local court, police said.