Two persons have been arrested forallegedly abducting and raping a woman inside a vehicle near Alandi town in Pune district, police said on Sunday.The incident took place on Tuesday and the duo was arrested the next day from Pimpri Chichwad township, they said."The woman was on her way to her residence to Chakan Chowk in Alandi. The accused came in a tempo and offered lift to her," senior police inspector Ravindra Chaudhar said."But instead of dropping her home, the duo took her to a deserted place and raped her," he said.She later escaped from their clutches and sought help from a security guard, who in turn informed the police control room, Chaudhar said.After the incident, Alandi police had registered an offence against the duo and arrested them from Pimpri- Chinchwad, he said.The tempo involved in the crime has been seized, police said, adding that the case was being investigated.