Rupesh Kumar and Abhisekh Kumar, both residents of Begusarai district of Bihar, were arrested from a hotel here following a complaint by one Amit Kumar who is from Patna.
Deputy Superintendent of Police Jascinta Kerketta told a press conference that the accused took money from unemployed youths promising them jobs in Tata Steel and even provided appointment letter to them.
However, when the candidates reported at Tata Steel to join, the officials there found the appointment letters fake and the matter was brought to the notice of police.
One of the victims alleged he was duped Rs 87,000 by them, Kerketta said adding that at least three persons have reported to the police in this regard.
She said the police were in search of two other persons involved in the racket.
Police has recovered three fake appointment letters, 30 proforma of appointing letters, two mobile phones, one ATM card and other documents from them.