Following the arrest, state Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje tweeted, "Kashmiri students are our children. The Police have taken prompt action and apprehended the culprits."
Both the arrested persons, Lalit Purabia and Manish Pandey, are local residents of Gangrar area where the incident had happened, police said, adding they are not students of Mewar University.
They have been arrested under IPC section 151 (unlawful assembly) and investigation is underway under IPC section 341 (wrongful restraint) and section 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), investigation officer Sub-Inspector Chena Ram told PTI.
The accused had a scuffle with the Kashmiri students, alleging that they stare at local girls in the local market.
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Following the incident, Gangrar police station had registered a case against the unidentified accused for voluntarily causing hurt and wrongful confinement.
The victims were taken to a hospital from where they were discharged after initial treatment.
Last year some Kashmiri students of Mewar University were attacked over rumours that they cooked beef in their hostel.
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