The elite centers would be set up at a cost Rs 20 crore under Indo-Dutch Action Plan and will sensitize the fruit growers about high-quality plants, micro-irrigation, high-tech greenhouse technology, tissue culture and weather forecasting, an official spokesperson said today.
He further said a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the centers has been formulated by the government in consultation with the Dutch experts.
Stressing on the need to sensitize farmers about benefits of latest technology, the minister called for undertaking regular awareness campaigns in all fruit-growing districts to make the farmers aware about the new practices and ways to improve quality and production, he said.
The two courses in horticulture will be introduced soon through ITIs to cater to the manpower requirement, Veeri said.
He further said government would also establish model villages for apple, mango and apricot fruits in Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh Divisions respectively.