Inspector General BSF Aditya Mishra said the killed youth were identified Ajaypal Singh (31) and Harpal Singh (30), residents of Indo-Pak border village Lopokey, and had gone to Indo-Pak border village beyond the barbed fencing wire to retrieve a consignment of heroin from their Pakistani counterparts.
The two were shot dead by BSF during a brief encounter, he added.
Both were described as smugglers as per their police record.
Ajaypal belonged to a rich family and used to visit Canada frequently on valid visa, said BSF official.
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At about 2am, a team of BSF personnel noticed some persons crawling towards Border Security fence.
On being challenged by BSF, Ajaypal fired from a weapon, drawing retailation in which both the suspects were shot dead.
In the morning, when a massive search operation was launched, BSF recovered one .32 bore caliber revolver, five live cartridges and one mobile phone with two Indian SIM cards.