Additional Sessions Judge M C Gupta awarded the jail term to 35-year-old Hari Ram and 22-year-old Suresh, both residents of Delhi, and also imposed a fine of Rs 10,000 each.
"It stands clearly established on the record, of the performance of the act of sexual intercourse by accused Suresh and Hari Ram with the woman against her will," the court said.
The court rejected the plea of the convicts that there was a delay in lodging FIR which was fatal for the prosecution.
This was the reason that she informed her sister-in-law about the incident who took her to the police station and lodged a case against the two accused, it noted.
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"The sight cannot be lost of the fact that the Indian women has tendency to conceal offence of sexual assault because it involves her prestige as well as prestige of her family. Only in few cases, the victim girl or the family has the courage to go before the police and lodge a case," the judge said.
Hari Ram was the owner of the rented house where factory was being operated. Suresh had called the woman to collect her dues from the contractor in the factory, it said.
She reached the factory in the evening where Suresh and Hari Om were present and they asked her to sit in a room, it said, adding that thereafter they bolted the door.
The woman changed her statement in the court and said she had maintained physical relations with Suresh of her own and Hari Om had not done anything.
She had filed a case against them as her husband had seen her in a compromising position with Suresh, she said.
The court, however, said the woman's testimony on material aspects was found to be corroborated by the statement of her sister-in-law whom she had disclosed the facts relating to the crime shortly after incident.