The incident took place on Wednesday at Lakhnaur village under Dehat Kotwali in this district when Pundir's car hit six persons, severely injuring two of them, police said.
The deceased have been identified as Mumtaz and Intezar, both residents of Sidki village, they said.
Residents of the village today boycotted Panchayat elections for their demand of better compensation for families of the deceased.
Although, the senior officers of district administration tried to convince the people to cast their votes but failed.
Not only the Panchayat polls, the village will even boycott every election, Kumar further said.
On learning about the boycott, District Magistrate Pawan Kumar, Senior Superintendent of Police R P K Yadav, CDO Monika Rani, SP (Traffic) Omveer Singh and other officials reached the village and appealed the locals to cast vote but the villager didn't budge, Kumar said.