Sonitpur Superintendent of Police Sanjukta Parasar said that two persons were arrested by security forces last night at Dhekiajuli and Biswanath Chariali.
She said that interrogation of the duo revealed some names of persons in the group involved in the attack on Adivasis.
"The two persons have been identified as Suklai Basumatary (25) from Batachipur under Dhekiajuli police station and Arun Narzari (26) from Kharaibari under Biswanath Charilai police station," Parasar said.
Parasar said that "during interrogation, Suklai told the police that eight persons had carried out the Batachipur killings. He has also given us the names of two other persons involved in the attacks."
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From his cell phone, several other linkmen's numbers were recovered and these were being investigated, the SP said.
Sources said some important documents were recovered from Arun who was monitoring the operation of security forces and regularly keeping NDFB (S) cadres informed of this.
Parasar said interrogation was going on.
The SP also said Army, Assam police and CRPF took part in the operation against NDFB(S) in Sonitpur district.
"Eleven companies of central paramilitary forces have already arrived in the district and were deployed. The people in the relief camps have begun to return home after deployment of these forces," she said.