While actor Shushant Singh Rajput plays the sleuth in Banerjee's "Detective Byomkesh Bakshy" while Dhritiman Chaterjee has been cast to play an ageing bloodhound in Mitra's upcoming film.
Rajput plays a young Byomkesh who is just starting out and is on his first case. The plot is among the first of 32 stories written by Bandyopadhyay.
"My Byomkesh is a young man who is just on in his first case and he makes mistakes. This was something I have had in my heart from the past 30 years after I read the Byomkesh Bakshi as an adolescent-sexually curious child of 12 years," says Banerjee.
"It is an old classical form of Byomkesh which is depicted in the film. But one can easily connect to it with the extensive popularity of the character Byomkesh," says Chaterji.
Meanwhile, Mitra has portrayed a dhoti-clad Byomkesh who has grown old over the time.