Thane Additional Sessions Judge V K Shewale also fined the duo --Marvat Bhiva Mukne (50) and Sachin Gangaram Mukne (24)-- with Rs 1000 each.
Two others, both brothers, who were also booked in the case are still at large.
According to prosecution, the victim Rupesh Ashok Thackeray (24) and the accused lived in the same locality of Thackeray Pada of Gandhre village in Wada.
Sachin had promised the victim a compensation of Rs 1500. Later fed up of his repeated demands for compensation, on August 23, 2009 both the accused reached Ashok's house and called him out on the pretext of settling the matter and attacked him with a sickle and sticks, killing him on the spot, the court was told.
Two other accused,Gangaram Bhiva Mukne and Ankush Bhiva Mukne,both brothers, are absconding.