Rural Development Minister Birender Singh said under the NRLM, unemployed youths in rural areas are trained through the Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETI) and the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY).
He said while trainings under RSETIs are focused on self employment, DDU-GKY allows skilling for wage employment in a PPP mode with assured placements in regular jobs in an organisation not owned by the skilled person, including foreign placements, placements by champion employers (with assured career progression), placements through industrial internship and placements on completion of long-term skilling courses.
The Minister said the performance of RSETIs is closely monitored through the national level steering committee, state level steering committee, state level bankers' committee and the district local advisory committee.
Based on their performance the RSETIs are also graded each year on transparent criteria. These reviews enable the government to constantly improve the implementation of these programmes at the field level.