Additional Superintendent of Police Ansuman said some people kidnapped the girls, 19 and 17 years of age, in a car from Bardhaman Compound yesterday and gang-raped them at a secluded place.
He said the girls reached Lalpur police station this morning and lodged a complaint.
Based on their complaint, the police have launched raids to nab the culprits, he said.
The girls have been admitted to a hospital.
The status report also stated that 35.9 per cent
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toilets in schools were not useable. Moreover, 23.4 per cent schools in the state are still without a separate toilet for girls while 11 per cent of toilets were found locked. In 19.7 per cent schools, the toilets for girls were not useable.
Minister of State for School Education in MP Deepak Joshi, however, said he would look into the report.
"We have made efforts to enroll girls in government schools. We are running the 'School Chalen Abhiyan' to enroll all the children for schools," Joshi told