Chief Judicial Magistrate Narender Kumar took the action against the five accused -- local BJP leader Ranjanvir, his wife and Charthawal block pramukh Sonia, Rajvir, Paramvir and Virender --under section 83 of CrPC (Attachment of Property of person absconding).
Earlier, he had issued notices under section 82 of the CrPC (notice for persons who are absconding) against the five accused. Since the accused did not surrender, the court ordered that their properties be attached.
According to police, on February 16, an armed juvenile had entered a courtroom here masquerading as a lawyer and fatally shot Tyagi.
Police had registered a case against several people including Deputy SP (STF) Anuj Choudhry, SHO Sachin Malik and Constable Vikas in the case.
The deceased was one of the accused in the 2011 Barkali case, in which eight people of a family were killed.