Aimed at nurturing young football talent in India, the scholarship programme, held at the American Embassy School from May 11-15 saw the participation of 192 kids from U-9, U-11, U-13, U-15, U-17 and U-19 age groups.
During the five-day programme, the kids were shown a range of movements and techniques linked to Manchester United coaching methods by Mikael Silvestre, former Manchester United defender, and two especially flown-in Manchester United Soccer School (MUSS) coaches.
Out of the six winners, Vanlalzahawma of U-15 age group category will also join a week-long residential training camp with Manchester United Soccer Schools in the United Kingdom.
The scholarship winners, from each age group, are: Louie Bastin (U-9); Fahad Temuri (U-11); Shay Smith (U-13); Vanlalzahawma (U-15); Sahil Kumar (U-17); Kevin Malhotra (U-19).