Reacting sharply to the charge sheet which is a list of alleged scams that took place both in the state and at the Centre during Congress rule, PCC spokesman Surendra Kumar advised the BJP to look at its own "tenure in Uttarakhand during which a total of 419 scams occurred."
"Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others. I would advise the saffron outfit to introspect and look back at its own tenure in Uttarakhand during which 419 scams took place," Kumar told reporters.
It was as a consequence of this meeting that the then BJP chief minister Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank was removed and replaced with Bhuvan Chandra Khanduri, he claimed.
The BJP's state unit yesterday issued a charge sheet against the Congress regimes both at the Centre and in the state blaming them for unbridled price rise, growing crime against women, farmers' woes and all the scams.