In a letter to Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, the company's Vice Chairman and Co-founder Khadim Al Darei has sought close cooperation with the state government to promote mutual cooperation in the agriculture sector.
Darei has requested the chief minister for a personal meeting to discuss areas of collaboration, a spokesperson of the CMO revealed.
The company, based in Abu Dhabi, has already partnered with Indian producers and has invested in establishing its presence in India, as part of UAE's efforts to collaborate with the latter, Darei has pointed out in his letter.
Given its mandate to execute on UAE's Food Security Strategy, Al Dahra is interested in exploring opportunities within India, particularly in Punjab which it sees as a high-potential development state, said Darei in his letter, it said.
The company, he said, is keen on expanding its sourcing base and product portfolio offering in the state.
Al Dahra specialises in cultivation, production and trading of animal feed and essential food commodities such as rice, flour, fruits and vegetables.