32-year-old Shiv Kumar Yadav was convicted by Additional Sessions Judge Kaveri Baweja for all the offences he was charged with including endangering a woman's life while raping her, abducting with an intent to compel her for marriage, criminally intimidating and causing hurt under the IPC.
"Shiv Kumar Yadav is convicted of all charges (framed against him). To come up for arguments on quantum of sentence on October 23," the judge said, pronouncing his verdict 11 months after the crime which had brought into focus the working of radio taxis.
The driver, who is in judicial custody, was present in the court room along with his wife, parents and other family members.
The court had on October 7 reserved its judgment in the case.
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According to the prosecution, the incident took place on the night of December 5 last year when the victim, a finance executive working in Gurgaon, was heading back to her house at Inderlok.
The accused was arrested on December 7, 2014 from Mathura. The prosecution had produced 28 witnesses in the case.
Yadav, however, had denied all the allegations levelled against him, terming them as "false".