Former Solicitor General Harish Salve, who will represent the women who have filed a complaint with the Delhi Police against 'unknown persons' in this connection, said that he is "surprised as to why the police did not arrest the minister and his motley crowd and deal with them firmly rather than being abused by them".
However, Aam Aadmi Party leader Manish Sisodia denied the charge that the women were harassed.
"I was given to understand by reliable sources that a mob surrounded these ladies, who were in a car, forcibly detained them. That is a criminal offence. (They also) Threatened them, intimidated them, one of them had even complained of an injury... And were not even allowed to visit a toilet to the extent that one of them had to go to the toilet outside the car in full public gaze. They have violated 364, 506 of the IPC," he told NDTV.
He said if the Home Minister suspends the policemen after Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal sits on a 'dharna', "the court will set aside the suspension in a matter of five minutes".
"Just being a minister does not give anybody a right to go and direct the police to arrest so and so," he said.