The UIDAI has directed the Aadhaar enrolment agencies in Kerala, including banks and post offices, to facilitate retrieval of the 12-digit number and provide free printouts to Aadhaar-holders who have lost their document in the flood-hit state.
The e-Aadhaar printouts can be taken by people from the enrolment centres by giving their name and biometric authentication, UIDAI CEO Ajay Bhushan Pandey told PTI.
Pandey said that the instructions are being issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) in this regard to the enrolment centres in the state. He added that enrolment agencies can also help in the retrieval of Aadhaar numbers by visiting the relief camps.
Similar instructions are also being issued for the flood affected districts of South Karnataka, he said.
With Aadhaar enrolment at 100 per cent in Kerala, there are estimated 3.6 crore unique ID number holders in the state.
Those who have misplaced their Aadhaar document or card in the flood-hit state can avail the special search facility at enrolment and updation centres to retrieve their 12-digit identification number and take printouts for free.
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The facility will be in-effect from today and be available till September 30, 2018.
The massive floods in Kerala have been declared a calamity of severe nature, and over 200 people have lost their lives in the rains, floods and landslides in the state. More than 7.24 lakh displaced people have been sheltered in 5,645 relief camps since August 8.