The stock listed at Rs 227, soaring 8 per cent compared with the issue price on BSE. It later touched a high of Rs 244, reflecting a sharp gain of 16.19 per cent.
At NSE, the stock debuted at Rs 231.90, rising by 10.42 per cent.
The company's market valuation stands at Rs 2,836.61 crore.
The Rs 885-crore IPO of Ujjivan Financial Services was oversubscribed nearly 41 times earlier this month.
Ujjivan's issue comprised fresh issuance of shares worth Rs 358.16 crore and an offer for sale of up to 24,968,332 shares by the existing shareholders.
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The company, which has already received in-principle nod to set up a small finance bank, is the second microfinance firm to go public this fiscal. Another microfinance firm Equitas Holdings came out with its IPO last month.
This is also the third microfinance firm to go public.
The issue was managed by Kotak Mahindra Capital Company, Axis Capital, ICICI Securities and IIFL Holdings.