"In recent years we've seen the best employers make ground-breaking strides in tackling gender inequality," said women and equalities minister Nicky Morgan.
"But the job won't be complete until we see the talents of women and men recognised equally and fairly in every workplace," she added.
Around 8,000 employers will have to publish their average pay and bonus gap between genders, the results of which will be posted in a league table to be first published in 2018.
"While today's announcement is a step in the right direction, we're disappointed that firms won't have to publish their gender pay gap figures until 2018," said the TUC general secretary.
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"It is a real shame that bosses won't be made to explain why pay gaps exist in their workplaces and what action they will take to narrow them."
The TUC claims that the average pay for men is 19 per cent higher for men across all workers and 9.4 per cent for full-time employees.
Carolyn Fairbairn, director general of business lobby group CBI, warned that the tables "should not be used to name and shame".
Critics argue that using average pay and bonuses does not take into account differences in occupations, positions, education, career breaks to have children, job tenure or hours worked per week.
According to recent official figures, British women between the ages of 22 and 29 earn on average USD 1,608 per year more than their male counterparts, but begin earning less once they hit their 30s.