Cameron's remarks came as the UK government planned to recruit 1,900 new spies for the country, in the biggest increase in British security spending since the July 7/7 bombings in London in 2005 as radicalised Britons returned home from Syria with potential to carry out terror attacks.
"Our security and intelligence services have stopped something like seven attacks in the last six months, albeit attacks planned on a smaller scale...
He said the plots were on a smaller scale to Paris but added the attacks in the French capital could happen anywhere.
"But whenever anything like this happens you have to go right back to the drawing board and look at what happened and how many people were involved and how many locations were involved and what more steps you need to take to try to keep yourself safe.
The UK government's new funding will be invested in security and intelligence agencies to provide 1,900 new officers, an increase of 15 per cent, at MI5, MI6 and GCHQ.
It also involved a doubling in funding for aviation security is also expected to be agreed this week.