Bharat Joshi, British Deputy High Commissioner, Chennai said "Preventing and tackling violence against women underpins much of the UK's work across India. These workshops in Kerala are aimed at sensitising three groups of officers - police, legal and judicial - who have a crucial bearing on preventing and tackling VAW. They build on our wider projects in India with women and girls and civil society organisations."
Workshop sessions will include VAW-related legislation (Domestic Violence, Sexual Offences & Sexual Harrassment) and case studies.
The 1-2 day workshops for the three groups of officers - public prosecutors/judicial officers, police officers and lawyers - will be held from Dec 6-10 and are being held in partnership with Kerala's Directorate of Public Prosecutors, the Kerala State Legal Services Authority and the Kerala State Police Academy, Thrissur.
The workshops are being organised by the High Commission's national partner for this project, Lawyers Collective, New Delhi and Kerala-based partners Cultural Academy for Peace (CAP) and HRLN.
Every year end November/early December is a period set aside as UN International Days of Activism for the Elimination of VAW.