Rowan Williams also predicted a further decline of widespread faith in Britain was likely.
Williams stood down as leader of the Church of England in December 2012.
His comments, in an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, came after Prime Minister David Cameron was criticised for saying the UK should be "more confident about our status as a Christian country" and more evangelical about faith.
Williams, who is now master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, said that while Britain's "cultural memory is still quite strongly Christian", it was post-Christian in that habitual practice across most of the population was not taken for granted.
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"A Christian nation can sound like a nation of committed believers, and we are not that. Equally, we are not a nation of dedicated secularists. I think we're a lot less secular than the most optimistic members of the British Humanist Association would think," he said.
Asked whether Britain would lose its faith altogether, he said: "Given that we have a younger generation now who know less about this legacy than people under 45, there may be a further shrinkage of awareness and commitment."
Williams added: "The other side is that people then rediscover Christianity with a certain freshness, because it's not 'the boring old stuff that we learnt at school and have come to despise'. I see signs of that, talking to youngsters here at Magdalene and in school visits. There is a curiosity about Christianity."
The poll, which surveyed 2,000 people online, found that 56 per cent of people regard Britain as Christian, rising to 60 per cent among men and 73 per cent among over-65s.
Sixty-two per cent said the rise of religious fundamentalism had made Christians afraid to express their faith while 41 per cent said they were not religious.