Hyderabad will play host to the Hofesh Shechter dance company's first show on September 5 at Shilpakala Vedika followed by performances in Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore and Chennai till September 20.
"With this new season of 'Impulse', our aim is to help showcase exciting new work in the arts, facilitate collaborations, promote arts education, encourage cultural skills development and convene valuable forums of artists, directors, producers, festival organisers and arts managers from India and the UK to engage in mutually beneficial projects," British Council Director Rob Lynes told reporters here today.
Scottish Dance Theatre returns to India after Impulse Season 1, while Hofesh Shechter Dance company and Avant Garde Dance make their debut in India, he said.
'Political Mother' is a 70-minute dance act that presents Shechter's emotional and gritty complexity with live music, ensemble sequences and cinematic editing and particularly appeals to the youth.
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"It is performed by 10 dancers and is accompanied by Shechter's cinematic score featuring a band of live drummers and electric guitarists," he said.
As part of 'Happening Hyderdabad' campaign, Telangana tourism is also supporting the event.