Ukrainian police has detained several people suspected of involvement in the 2016 murder of a journalist Pavel Sheremet who died in a car bomb blast, the interior minister announced Thursday.
"This is the result of very hard and persistent work of real professionals and an important step towards fully solving the case," Arsen Avakov wrote on Twitter.
The 44-year-old Sheremet, an acclaimed Belarus-born journalist with pro-European views, died in July 2016 when his car exploded while he was driving to work along one of Kiev's central streets.
Sheremet was a columnist for Ukrainska Pravda, a popular online newspaper whose founder Georgiy Gongadze was beheaded 16 years ago after probing alleged crimes of Ukrainian leaders.
Sheremet was respected for criticising the Kremlin while pointing out Ukraine's mistakes. His murder sent shock waves across Ukraine and is only one in a string of unresolved murders and assaults on members of the media in the country.