Ukraine blocked rail and bus travel yesterday between the mainland and the peninsula, which Russia seized in March. On Saturday, the Crimean customs service said vehicles also were stopped at two of the three crossing points on the isthmus leading to Crimea, but traffic resumed in late afternoon.
Train and bus traffic was suspended because "there is a high likelihood of sabotage groups entering under the guise of local people," Ukrainian security council spokesman Col Andriy Lysenko told a briefing. He didn't say how long the closure would last.
In Kherson, a major city about 100 kilometres north of Crimea, a man blew himself up at a currency exchange booth after demanding money, and another died when explosives he was carrying detonated outside a store, news reports said. In Odessa, a man died while carrying explosives before dawn, according to reports. Further details weren't immediately available.
No one was injured, because the mayor and his family were on holiday, but the residence sustained significant damage, police said, according to the RIA Novosti news agency.