Radha Kumar, 63, the Director General of New Delhi-based think tank Delhi Policy Group was named to the governing UN University Council. The 12 appointees, who will take office next month, will serve for terms of either three or six years.
The main functions of the UN University Council are to formulate the principles and policies of the University, govern its operations, and consider and approve its biennial budget and work programme, a press statement said.
Kumar is a specialist in ethnic conflicts, peacemaking and peace-building. Formerly Director of the Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at Jamia Millia Islamia University, Kumar has also been a Senior Fellow in Peace and Conflict Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in the city.
She had also served as one of the three-member Group of Interlocutors appointed by the Government of India for Jammu and Kashmir.
Simon Chesterman, lecturer at Harvard and MIT Isabel Guerrero Pulgar of Chile, Executive Director of Arab Reform Initiative Bassma Kodmani of Syria and Dean of School of Public Policy and Management at China's Tsinghua University Lan Xue.