The council unanimously approved a French-sponsored resolution today aimed at restoring security and protecting civilians in the landlocked country.
The resolution authorises the deployment of an African Union-led force for a year with a mandate to use "appropriate measures" to protect civilians and restore security and public order. The AU force, known as MISCA, is expected to increase its troop strength from about 2,500 to 3,500.
The resolution also authorises French forces, for a temporary period, "to take all necessary measures" to support MISCA.
France's UN Ambassador Gerard Araud told the council after the vote that "people have been terrorised by militia carrying out atrocities" and warned that the country "is likely to fall apart in mass atrocities."
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"History demands us to avoid the worst," he said, welcoming the robust mandate for the African and French troops.
Whether the French and African forces can save lives largely depends on how far the foreign soldiers venture outside the capital, Bangui, where gunfire was heard today morning, and into the lawless provinces. That's where mostly
The resolution welcomes Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's intention to prepare for the possible transformation of MISCA into a UN peacekeeping operation. It asks the UN chief to provide recommendations for the possible transformation within three months. The council also asked the secretary-general to rapidly establish an international commission of inquiry to investigate allegations of rights abuses.
The resolution also imposes an arms embargo on the Central African Republic for a year and orders all countries to ban the sale or transfer of arms, ammunition, military equipment, spare parts and technical assistance and training.