Admitting the plea filed by Havildar Sham Das D, the Principal Bench of the Armed Forces Tribunal has asked the Army to file a reply in the matter.
Contending that his arrest from June 8 last year was "most wrongful and arbitrary" on basis of false allegations levelled against him by officials of Department of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), the Havildar claimed he is being "implicated" in the charge of sharing classified information with some unknown person who was source of the DRI.
In his plea filed through his counsel Maj S S Pandey, the jawan claimed that he was put under close arrest with "sole aim of putting him under undue pressure to confess to such allegation which were totally wrong and also to implicate others in the process."
He claimed that during the CoI, it has come out that the CD was manipulated.
"The DRI Official Assistant Director Rahul R who came to depose in the CoI not only refused to divulge the name of the source whom he had allegedly handed over the said CD, but abruptly left the CoI without signing his statement probably due to lack of any justification about the discrepancy in the CDs for which he had no answer and role of DRI officials was about to get exposed," he claimed.